Federation of Canadian Artists  |  ARROWSMITH CHAPTER

Art at Beach Club Resort


The Beach Club Resort


FCA Arrowsmith members → Interested in displaying your art at the Beach Club Hotel in Parksville?


Read about the current Artist on Display


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Artist on Display

Brenda Matsen MPAC   

“Inspired by the moments that build the stories of our lives.”Brenda Matsen - Exhibiting

Canadian Artist Brenda Matsen is an international award-winning artist and Master Pastelist passionate about creating realistic artwork of people and animals in their natural environments. Brenda is inspired by the moments that build the stories of our lives. 

Brenda, her husband and their dogs reside in the Comox Valley on Vancouver Island in western Canada. Originally from northern British Columbia, growing up in the north and living on a farm fostered her passion for nature and observing animals and people in the environment they live, work and play in. 

Brenda is a member of the Federation of Canadian Artists and a Master Pastelist with Pastel Artists.CA.

Website:  Brenda Matsen Fine Art

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